Archive for June 5th, 2011

How to use apt-get

apt-get (apt stands for advanced packaging tool) is used to install the packages on your system.

To install a package use (in terminal):

sudo apt-get install <packagename>

To remove:

sudo apt-get remove <packagename>

where <packagename> is the name of the package you need to install.

Once I install the new Ubuntu, I usually do:

sudo apt-get update


sudo apt-get upgrade

which updates the local package list and upgrades to the latest versions from Ubuntu repositories.

You can also upgrade the entire distribution of your Ubuntu by typing:

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

if you need more information, type

sudo apt-get help


Ubuntu 11.04 Screen Flickering During Installation

Tried to install Ubuntu 11.04 on my other computer today and ran into a ton of problems.  Once I inserted a CD and started to install, I couldn’t even get to the main menu. The purple screen just kept on flickering so much that I couldn’t see anything. I am still battling with it, but I got it to install. Right now I am trying to update the drivers for nvidia geforce 8200 which seem to be the problem.

Anyway,I was able to get the flickering down to the extent where I could at least see the installation screen and progress. It still flickered a little, but not as much. Here is what I had to do:

1) Press “Shift button” while it loads from the cd – it should give you configuration screen.

2) Press F6 for additional options and select “nomodeset” option.

3) Pick Install Ubuntu and you should be good to go.

As far as I can tell, your graphic card drivers are not supported if you run into this problem. Hope this will help you to install Ubuntu and get into the next phase of configuration. 🙂